TBM 1708.07 – DDOP-07: Preferably Smooth

Copyright: <a href='https://www.123rf.com/profile_vvoennyy'>vvoennyy / 123RF Stock Photo</a>


Technically a piece of Gotham fanfic, but you’d never know it if I hadn’t told you. (Note: I thought this was from 2016, but I wrote it in 2015.) Just a quick ficlet.


Surprisingly, it’s not the mook holding your bodyguard’s head, blood from the severed neck dripping on the cold tile.

Links & References:


  • The Bathtub Mermaid: Tales from the Tub is written and produced by Melissa A. Bartell, and is recorded and produced using the BossJock iPad app and Audacity.
  • Bathtub Mermaid album art was created by Rebecca Moran of Moran Media
  • Music used for the opening and closing is David Popper’s “Village Song” as performed by Cello Journey. This music came from the podsafe music archive at Mevio’s Music Alley, which site is now defunct.
  • Image credit: Copyright: vvoennyy / 123RF Stock Photo

TBM 0817.06 – DDOP-06: Sunday Brunch: Carousel of Memories

Asbury Park NJ Carousel House


My Sunday Brunch column from April, 2017. The Asbury Park boardwalk, and particularly the carousel, are the touchstones of my childhood.


Outside the carousel house, the twilight of evening is melting into full darkness. The scent of hot dogs and cotton candy mixes with the salty brine of sea and sand. The lights on the rollercoaster are reflected upon the glassy ocean.

The night feels made of magic.

I am twelve years old, and I have no idea that it will be the last time I see the boardwalk with its rides active, with children running back and forth, with indulgent parents and grandparents handing over money in exchange for pretzels with mustard, paper cones full of popcorn, or wax-coated bags of salt-water taffy.

Links & References:


  • The Bathtub Mermaid: Tales from the Tub is written and produced by Melissa A. Bartell, and is recorded and produced using the BossJock iPad app and Audacity.
  • Bathtub Mermaid album art was created by Rebecca Moran of Moran Media
  • Music used for the opening and closing is David Popper’s “Village Song” as performed by Cello Journey. This music came from the podsafe music archive at Mevio’s Music Alley, which site is now defunct.
  • Image credit: Personal collection

Contact Me:

TBM 0817.05 – DDOP-05: World’s Biggest Chewtoy?

Maximus, 2017


My dog, Max (Maximus) will be nine in December. This story may or may not have taken place exactly as described, about eight years ago.


“Everything I write is crap,” I said. “And my column is due tomorrow. I forgot to pay my cell phone bill and it cost seventy-five dollars to get it reinstated.  I ruined dinner and I’m too tired to cook anything new, and your dog ate my t-shirt.”  I was in tears by the time I finished my litany, but my husband was smirking. “Stop laughing! It’s NOT funny!”

Links & References:


  • The Bathtub Mermaid: Tales from the Tub is written and produced by Melissa A. Bartell, and is recorded and produced using the BossJock iPad app and Audacity.
  • Bathtub Mermaid album art was created by Rebecca Moran of Moran Media
  • Music used for the opening and closing is David Popper’s “Village Song” as performed by Cello Journey. This music came from the podsafe music archive at Mevio’s Music Alley, which site is now defunct.
  • Image credit 123rf.com

Contact Me:

TBM 0817.04 – DDOP-04: Whispers and Some Kind of Understanding

Whispering Guitar


Not so much a ghost story, as a story with ghosts in it. Written for 2016 HorrorDailies.


But Mama never believed me when I told her that my invisible friends told me these things. She’d just tug on one of my braids and tell me I was lucky to have such a vivid imagination, and maybe I’d be a writer someday.

Links & References:


  • The Bathtub Mermaid: Tales from the Tub is written and produced by Melissa A. Bartell, and is recorded and produced using the BossJock iPad app and Audacity.
  • Bathtub Mermaid album art was created by Rebecca Moran of Moran Media
  • Music used for the opening and closing is David Popper’s “Village Song” as performed by Cello Journey. This music came from the podsafe music archive at Mevio’s Music Alley, which site is now defunct.
  • Image credit 123rf.com

Contact Me:

TBM 1708.03 – DDOP-03: Oskar & Harmony



Unpolished, raw, snippet from a work in progress. Meet Oskar and Harmony.


They didn’t talk much, when they were above. His voice was the sound of a sledge-hammer, booming and forceful. It made the waves break far from shore and scattered fish in all directions.

Links & References:


  • The Bathtub Mermaid: Tales from the Tub is written and produced by Melissa A. Bartell, and is recorded and produced using the BossJock iPad app and Audacity.
  • Bathtub Mermaid album art was created by Rebecca Moran of Moran Media
  • Music used for the opening and closing is David Popper’s “Village Song” as performed by Cello Journey. This music came from the podsafe music archive at Mevio’s Music Alley, which site is now defunct.
  • Image credit unknown.

Contact Me:

TBM 1708.02 – DDOP_02: The First Time

The First Time


Flash-fiction: “The First Time.” Everyone is anxious the first time, right?


“Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked. “I’m sure,” she said. He wasn’t convinced. “If you’re not ready, we can wait.” “No, I’m ready, I’m just a little nervous.” Her voice shook a little. “I get that. I was nervous too, the first time.”

Links & References:


  • The Bathtub Mermaid: Tales from the Tub is written and produced by Melissa A. Bartell, and is recorded and produced using the BossJock iPad app and Audacity.
  • Bathtub Mermaid album art was created by Rebecca Moran of Moran Media
  • Music used for the opening and closing is David Popper’s “Village Song” as performed by Cello Journey. This music came from the podsafe music archive at Mevio’s Music Alley, which site is now defunct.
  • Image credit unknown.

Contact Me:

TBM 1708.01 – DDOP_01: The (Von) Brunt of it All

Audio Player


In which the Bathtub Mermaid kicks off her participation in the Dog Days of Podcasting Challenge  by sharing a short story she wrote.


You all know the story, I’m sure. Mild-mannered school-teacher Ichabod Crane comes to Tarrytown to lead the charge for education, falls in love with Katrina, and has a series of run-ins with a Hessian on horseback, a soldier name of Brom Bones who lost his head – quite literally – by a single, spectacular, sword-stroke. Goes around now with some squash or gourd tucked under one arm.

Links & References:


  • The Bathtub Mermaid: Tales from the Tub is written and produced by Melissa A. Bartell, and is recorded and produced using the BossJock iPad app and Audacity.
  • Bathtub Mermaid album art was created by Rebecca Moran of Moran Media
  • Music used for the opening and closing is David Popper’s “Village Song” as performed by Cello Journey. This music came from the podsafe music archive at Mevio’s Music Alley, which site is now defunct.
  • Image credit unknown.

Contact Me:

DDOP-1509.04: Turnabout – A Conversation with MissMelysse

Dog Days of Podcasting

Show Notes

Turnabout – A Conversation with MissMelysse

For my last entry of the 2015 edition of the Dog Days of Podcasting, my good friend Debra Smouse turns the tables and asks me the same questions I’ve asked everyone else.



Music for this episode was provided by Mevio’s Music Alley, a great resource for podsafe music. Visit them at music.mevio.com.
Opening: “Soap in a Bathtub” by Stoney
Closing Music: “You Can Use My Bathtub” by Little Thom


Recorded and Produced using BossJock and Audacity.


19 Nocturne Boulevard
Between the Lines Studios
Gypsy Audio
Pendant Audio
Dog Days of Podcasting

DDOP-1509.03: A Conversation with KM

Dog Days of Podcasting

Show Notes

A Conversation with KM

Writer, poet, crafter, and purveyor of awesome body projects – we’ve never met in person, but she’s a friend nevertheless.



Music for this episode was provided by Mevio’s Music Alley, a great resource for podsafe music. Visit them at music.mevio.com.
Opening: “Soap in a Bathtub” by Stoney
Closing Music: “You Can Use My Bathtub” by Little Thom


Recorded and Produced using BossJock and Audacity.


KM at FanFiction.net
KM at Deviant Art
KM on Twitter
Dog Days of Podcasting

DDOP-1509.02 – A Conversation with Nuchtchas

Dog Days of Podcasting

Show Notes

A Conversation with Nuchtchas

Artist, podcaster, fellow bacon afficionado, Nuchtchas and I spent an hour mostly answering the ten questions everyone gets asked.



Music for this episode was provided by Mevio’s Music Alley, a great resource for podsafe music. Visit them at music.mevio.com.
Opening: “Soap in a Bathtub” by Stoney
Closing Music: “You Can Use My Bathtub” by Little Thom


Recorded and Produced using BossJock and Audacity.


Nuchtchas on Facebook
Nuchtchas on Twitter
Dog Days of Podcasting