TBM-2008.23 – Mermaid Minute: Flamingos

Mermaid Minute


#audio. #mermaidminute  Me-Me del Mare talks about flamingos


Their natural color is white, which makes them the bird equivalent of bottle-blondes.

Links and References


  • The Bathtub Mermaid: Tales from the Tub is written and produced by Melissa A. Bartell, and is recorded and produced using the Auphonic iPhone app and Audacity.
  • Bathtub Mermaid banner art was created by Rebecca Moran of Moran Media
  • Sound Effects are from Freesound.


TBM-2008.23 – Mermaid Minute: Octopus vs. Raccoon

Mermaid Minute


#audio. #mermaidminute  Me-Me del Mare talks about octopuses and raccoons.


You know that song by Ringo Starr-fish?   It’s a lie!

Links and References


  • The Bathtub Mermaid: Tales from the Tub is written and produced by Melissa A. Bartell, and is recorded and produced using the Auphonic iPhone app and Audacity.
  • Bathtub Mermaid banner art was created by Rebecca Moran of Moran Media
  • Sound Effects are from Freesound.


TBM-2008.22 – Mermaid Minute: Farting

Mermaid Minute


#audio. #mermaidminute  Me-Me del Mare talks about farting and cancer.


As a mermaid, my farts don’t smell, they just make tiny flirtatious bubbles.

Links and References


  • The Bathtub Mermaid: Tales from the Tub is written and produced by Melissa A. Bartell, and is recorded and produced using the Auphonic iPhone app and Audacity.
  • Bathtub Mermaid banner art was created by Rebecca Moran of Moran Media
  • Sound Effects are from Freesound.


TBM-2008.22 – Mermaid Minute – Cursing

Mermaid Minute


#audio. #mermaidminute  Me-Me del Mare talks about cursing.


When a mermaid is mad at you and wants to call you names, she uses the b-word and the -c-word and the f-word just like the land walkers.

Links and References


  • The Bathtub Mermaid: Tales from the Tub is written and produced by Melissa A. Bartell, and is recorded and produced using the Auphonic iPhone app and Audacity.
  • Bathtub Mermaid banner art was created by Rebecca Moran of Moran Media
  • Sound Effects are from Freesound.


TBM-2008.21 – Mermaid Minute: Starfish Pasties

Mermaid Minute


#audio. #mermaidminute  Me-Me del Mare talks about starfish pasties


We mermaids never need to wear bras to lift and separate.

Links and References


  • The Bathtub Mermaid: Tales from the Tub is written and produced by Melissa A. Bartell, and is recorded and produced using the Auphonic iPhone app and Audacity.
  • Bathtub Mermaid banner art was created by Rebecca Moran of Moran Media
  • Sound Effects are from Freesound.


TBM-2008.21- Mermaid Minute: Ceviche

Mermaid Minute


#audio. #mermaidminute  Me-Me del Mare talks about salt water and ceviche.


As a mermaid, I don’t sweat, I phosphoresce…

Links and References


  • The Bathtub Mermaid: Tales from the Tub is written and produced by Melissa A. Bartell, and is recorded and produced using the Auphonic iPhone app and Audacity.
  • Bathtub Mermaid banner art was created by Rebecca Moran of Moran Media
  • Sound Effects are from Freesound.


TBM-2008.20 -Mermaid Minute: Introducing Me-Me del Mare

Mermaid Minute


#audio. #mermaidminute Introducing Me-Me del Mare


We don’t have pet dogs in the sea. We have Blue Dog Sharks and Spiny Dogfish…

Links and References


  • The Bathtub Mermaid: Tales from the Tub is written and produced by Melissa A. Bartell, and is recorded and produced using the Auphonic iPhone app and Audacity.
  • Bathtub Mermaid banner art was created by Rebecca Moran of Moran Media
  • Sound Effects are from Freesound.


TBM-2008.07 – Deception Betwixt ‘R’ and ‘T’



#Audio. #Flashfic. #Lipogram  #Fantasy A bar room magician cannot eliminate a letter from existence… can he?


The food and liquor had flowed like – well, like food and liquor tend to flow in a place where the barkeep let you run a tab and the final check never actually arrived. Gourmet, all of it, or high-end where gourmet didn’t apply.

Links and References


  • The Bathtub Mermaid: Tales from the Tub is written and produced by Melissa A. Bartell,
  • Bathtub Mermaid album art was created by Rebecca Moran of Moran Media
  • Sound effects are from Freesound.


TBM-2008.05 – Zenia’s Bedraglon

Zenia's Bedraglon


#Audio. #Flashfic.  #Fantasy Just a story about xenobiology, a little girl, and her dra – um – bedraglon.


I gave the bedraglon – I was thinking of it that way, by then – a few minutes to settle, and was relieved to see that Zenia had dropped into a cross-legged position and coaxed the great beast’s head into her lap. Then I went to work with my shears.

Links and References


  • The Bathtub Mermaid: Tales from the Tub is written and produced by Melissa A. Bartell, and is recorded and produced using the BossJock iPad app and Audacity.
  • Bathtub Mermaid album art was created by Rebecca Moran of Moran Media
  • Music used for the opening and closing is a mix of Chris Zabriskie’s “The Oceans Continue to Rise” from the Free Music Archive and Kevoy’s clip of whales off the coast of French Polynesia from Freesound.
  • Chris Zabriskie’s song is also used under some readings.


TBM2008.04 – Mermaid Meditations 001 – The Reef

Image by Leandro De Carvalho from Pixabay


#audio #flashfic #ddop A mermaid family pays respects to a coral reef.


“That color really isn’t her best look, though,” my mother adds, and she’s right, because where once our dearly departed was rosy pink and bright orange with streaks of green and blue, now she’s a dismal, ashy grey.

Links and References


  • The Bathtub Mermaid: Tales from the Tub is written and produced by Melissa A. Bartell, and is recorded and produced using the Auphonic iPhone app and Audacity.
  • Bathtub Mermaid album art was created by Rebecca Moran of Moran Media
  • Sound Effects are from Freesound.
