DDoP #19: The Rep

Dog Days of Podcasting

In which the Bathtub Mermaid reads a piece of flash-fiction from August, 2006.


He spends Tuesdays at the Dixon Hotel, drinking cheap whiskey and watching local comics at the weekly open mic night. He thinks he’d like to try, but compared to them he feels old, worn, grey. He still has suits in his closet, and wide ties, though he’s forsaken all in favor of business casual button-downs and khaki pants. Secretly, these clothes make him feel like he’s raided his son’s closet.

Music for this episode was provided by Mevio’s Music Alley, a great resource for podsafe music. Visit them at music.mevio.com.
Opening: “Soap in a Bathtub” by Stoney
Closing Music: “You Can Use My Bathtub” by Little Thom
Recorded and Produced using BossJock
For more of the Dog Days of Podcasting, click HERE.

DDoP #18: The Gravity of the Situation

Dog Days of Podcasting

Originally written for The Alchera Project, November, 2005


Deanna isn’t a novice at singing, really, though she feels like one as this is her first Christmas concert that involves an actual church. Oh, sure, she sang with school choirs, had solos, made her entrance into community theatre at the tender age of ten, but somehow, standing with the other choristers in the cold sanctuary, the music is different, her heart is different.

Music for this episode was provided by Mevio’s Music Alley, a great resource for podsafe music. Visit them at music.mevio.com.
Opening: “Soap in a Bathtub” by Stoney
Closing Music: “You Can Use My Bathtub” by Little Thom
Recorded and Produced using BossJock
For more of the Dog Days of Podcasting, click HERE.

DDoP #17: Textual Improv

Dog Days of Podcasting


In which The Bathtub Mermaid talks about a writing contest she enters, and the storm she got for her birthday.

The contest is NYC Midnight

My assignment was

Genre: crime caper
Location: tobacco shop
Object: pocket mirror
Max word count: 1,000 words
Time allotted: 48 hours

Round two is the first weekend in October.

Music for this episode was provided by Mevio’s Music Alley, a great resource for podsafe music. Visit them at music.mevio.com.
Opening: “Soap in a Bathtub” by Stoney
Closing Music: “You Can Use My Bathtub” by Little Thom
Recorded and Produced using BossJock
For more of the Dog Days of Podcasting, click HERE.

DDoP #16: By the Numbers

Dog Days of Podcasting


In which The Bathtub Mermaid does a lame numbers meme that she got from a really good friend.


My blog-friend Michael (aka WarriorPoet(2)) died last year, a veteran who fell, not to gunfire or missile blasts, but to cancer, at too young an age.

We used to challenge each other with memes and prompts over on OpenDiary, which also died, just a few months ago, of neglect, mostly – not by the participants but by the site owner who had moved on to other things.

I found this meme while sifting through archives, and thought I’d share it here.

10 words you like in your own language:
brilliant, decadent, fractious, glower, nostalgic, susurration, overzealous, tintinnabulation, zesty, zoetrope,

9 words you like in other languages:
allegro, attraversiamo, ciao, guacala, joyeux, melange, noir, pianissimo, scocciare

Read the rest HERE.

Music for this episode was provided by Mevio’s Music Alley, a great resource for podsafe music. Visit them at music.mevio.com.
Opening: “Soap in a Bathtub” by Stoney
Closing Music: “You Can Use My Bathtub” by Little Thom
Recorded and Produced using BossJock
For more of the Dog Days of Podcasting, click HERE.

DDoP #15: Chicken Heart Variations

Dog Days of Podcasting


Vintage Radio

In which The Bathtub Mermaid talks about listening to Bill Cosby’s “Chicken Heart” bit on an old radio, when she was a kid.

Music for this episode was provided by Mevio’s Music Alley, a great resource for podsafe music. Visit them at music.mevio.com.
Opening: “Soap in a Bathtub” by Stoney
Closing Music: “You Can Use My Bathtub” by Little Thom
Recorded and Produced using BossJock
For more of the Dog Days of Podcasting, click HERE.

Image credit: Vintage Radio, copyright: tungphoto / 123RF Stock Photo

DDoP #14: Illusions of Motion – Sleepy Hollow

Dog Days of Podcasting


Red Bicycle

In which The Bathtub Mermaid shares an unedited excerpt from her first ever NaNo Novel (from 2004)

Music for this episode was provided by Mevio’s Music Alley, a great resource for podsafe music. Visit them at music.mevio.com.
Opening: “Soap in a Bathtub” by Stoney
Closing Music: “You Can Use My Bathtub” by Little Thom
Recorded and Produced using BossJock
For more of the Dog Days of Podcasting, click HERE.

Image credit: Red Bicycle: Copyright: iofoto / 123RF Stock Photo

DDoP #13: The Second-Best Little Whorehouse in Texas…and Other Rambling

Dog Days of Podcasting


In which The Bathtub Mermaid talks about looking for houses in Texas ten years ago.

Music for this episode was provided by Mevio’s Music Alley, a great resource for podsafe music. Visit them at music.mevio.com.
Opening: “Soap in a Bathtub” by Stoney
Closing Music: “You Can Use My Bathtub” by Little Thom
Recorded and Produced using BossJock
For more of the Dog Days of Podcasting, click HERE.

DDoP #12: White Crystal Memories

Dog Days of Podcasting


White Crystal 1960

In which The Bathtub Mermaid talks about being slightly rootless and spinning on the bar stools of her family’s New Jersey diner.

The White Crystal Diner website

Music for this episode was provided by Mevio’s Music Alley, a great resource for podsafe music. Visit them at music.mevio.com.
Opening: “Soap in a Bathtub” by Stoney
Closing Music: “You Can Use My Bathtub” by Little Thom
Recorded and Produced using BossJock
For more of the Dog Days of Podcasting, click HERE.

DDoP #11: Invoking Anne Lamott

Dog Days of Podcasting

In which The Bathtub Mermaid babbles about her personal faith traditions, Anne Lamott’s assurance that “your stuff is your stuff,” and the UU principle that Every Person has Inherent Dignity and Worth


Facebook page for Anne Lamott
UUA Seven Principles
Robin Williams’ Top Ten Reasons to Be Episcopalian

Music for this episode was provided by Mevio’s Music Alley, a great resource for podsafe music. Visit them at music.mevio.com.
Opening: “Soap in a Bathtub” by Stoney
Closing Music: “You Can Use My Bathtub” by Little Thom
Recorded and Produced using BossJock
For more of the Dog Days of Podcasting, click HERE.

DDoP #10: The Night After

Dog Days of Podcasting

In which I babble more about Oklahoma, and also talk about GW Zoo.

GW Zoo – website

Music for this episode was provided by Mevio’s Music Alley, a great resource for podsafe music. Visit them at music.mevio.com.
Opening: “Soap in a Bathtub” by Stoney
Closing Music: “You Can Use My Bathtub” by Little Thom
Recorded and Produced using BossJock
For more of the Dog Days of Podcasting, click HERE.